Dr Carline Applys aka Dr ChefTiCa

Business Name :

ChefTiCa LLC Catering Services and more 

Location :

Fort Lauderdale , FL

Instagram (Business) :

Facebook (Business) :

Website :

Tell us a brief description of WHO you are?

I’m a person with a passion for cooking and I have a genuine heart of giving.

What does "SheHustles" mean to you?

It means a women stepping out her comfort zone and taking a leap of faith to fulfill her dreams while balancing her personal life at the same time. You never know when she’s tired or overwhelmed because she gets the job done!

What has been the hardest part of being an entrepreneur?

Getting support from the closest people in your life 

What are 3 things about entrepreneurship that you've experienced that no ever one told you about?

People change on you, mentally drained and find out who was really for you 

Where do you see our business in 5 years?

I see myself touring and talking to young entrepreneurs around the world sharing my story 

How do you overcome rejection?

Remain positive!

How do you stay motivated and what keeps you going?

Prayer and keep positive people around 

What is your key to success?

Take losses and make them into a positive 

What is the key thing that you want people to know about you?

Big hearted but not try me, Hard worker and love the kids